I got a Christmas card in the mail today from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mom had no idea who would send me such a thing, but I knew instantly.
Math Rob was my Area III teacher at GSE this summer. His real name is Rob Houck, but everyone calls him Math Rob because math is what he does; he told us he considers it a great compliment to have math associated with one's name. I met some interesting folks that summer, but he was by far the most peculiar individual I've ever come across. He's shy, insecure beyond imagination, goofy, corny, and uncertain about what to do with his life. He's also really, really cool if you get to know him.
Rob keeps a journal in which he writes whatever is on his mind on any given day. At the end of GSE, he left the journal where his students could find it for a week or so. We all found the journal and left little notes for him in it. I can't remember for the life of me what I said, but I do remember that I wrote it with a purple pen.
So I got a card from Rob today, and I've been smiling ever since. He wrote inside the card that he had read my message, enjoyed it, and mentioned that he is now one dissertation away from a PhD. This is a big deal because, when we left GSE, he wasn't sure whether or not he was going to continue his education. His brother died in Iraq last year, his parents want him to go into the Ministry, and Rob is not good at standing up for what he wants. I still remember the day in class when he mentioned that it was the anniversary of his brother's death and that he wasn't sure if he would be back next year. Apparantly he put his foot down; I'm really proud.
The world needs more people like Math Rob. Sure he's goofy, sure he's a little (well, maybe a lot) weird, but you know from meeting him that he cares about you. People like Rob need our prayers and our support. If you have your own Math Rob, write him/her and tell them that you remember them. It will mean more than you know.
So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write a letter to Michigan.