Thursday, December 28, 2006


Christmas and Gerald Ford have sadly left us, so it's time for me to start posting again. (By the way, until a major media outlet sucks it up and actually tells us what killed the 93 year old former president, I'm just going to assume his parachute didn't open.) But it's late and I've tired of thinking about all the things that have happened since last I wrote (though the destruction of my car's window and the theft of my iPod are good bets to make comebacks) so instead I want to take this oppurtunity to issue a challenge.
I really enjoy reading my former GSE teacher's blog. Over the last month he participated in a project with his friends and coworkers called the December Photo Project. Basically, he made a point to take at least one picture of something interesting or beautiful or weird or mundane or exciting or whatever every day and post it on his blog. I hereby announce my very own January Photo Project, with the same rules (except, um, for the month of January). I'd like you all to participate as well, so here's the deal. I'm going to try to post one picture every day. If you have a blog of your own, go at it with a digital camera. If not, you may feel free to email your pictures to me at and I'll post a few good ones. If you don't have a digital camera, I suppose you'll just have to make a posterboard with your shots at the end of the month. I know it sounds kind of hoaky, but I've really enjoyed following the shots online this month and I think it might be cool to glimpse images of the lives all of you are living. Consider yourselves challenged.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Words Cannot Express...

...I have no comment on this.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I Love My School

Instead of studying for my spanish exam tomorrow, I decided to wander through the OGB archives and contemplate the meaning of existence. My roomate brought this column to my attention. I don't suppose the jokes will mean much to those of you who don't attend Wake, but the stereotypes are amusing and not unfounded. The language is also a bit much at times, for those of you who are offended by such things, but I found it, on the whole, worth the read. Then again, that's probably because it's about my school. Well, if you feel so led, give it a read.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Stolen From Adam's Blog

I hate to resort to theivary, but I saw a video on Adam's Blog and I thought I'd share it with you. To say this man has too much time is an understatement, and I will waste no breath commenting on more productive things he could have done. Just enjoy the fruits of his ill-advised labor.
I have a lot of free time myself these days. I have only one exam remaining and it's on Saturday, so in the meantime I'm trying really hard to make myself study and generally failing. To make matters worse, Aho linked to two extremely simple and rather amusing flash games and I find myself spending more time batting a penguin than studying spanish. Thanks, aho (by the way, my record is 322.9).