Sunday, December 18, 2005


I don't chat very often, but I AIM occasionally. Punctuation is an art form with instant messaging because sentences, as previous generations knew them, do not exist in cyberspace. Rather, the timing and puncuation of individual phrases is used to express emotion and intonation. And there's no better example of this than the greatest of all vague markings, ...
I love the dot dot dot. It's my generation's yadda yadda yadda, though I would never be as blasphemous to equate a single dot with a single yadda. The key to using ... succesfully is varying its meaning. Eric Owens is excellent at this, though I hate to complement him for anything. In a recent conversation with Mr Owens, he led me to believe a few outrageous things simply by employing the .... He never lied, he just left out a few important phrases and such via the ..., and it was extremely effective. I'm impressed.
... means everything and it means nothing. It can be used by itself to express boredom, expectancy, even incredulity. At the end of phrases, ... replaces the need for euphemism to express unsavory thoughts. It's the ultimate multi-tasker.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

... oh yeah!!

9:11 PM  

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