Saturday, December 17, 2005

An Unusual Email

Now I've gotten a lot of strange stuff from colleges over the past year or so. I've gotten magnets, personal notes, even offers from Liberty University saying, "Open this letter, there's up to $400 in coupons inside!." But I must say, I never saw this recent one coming.
Carolina sent me a happy holidays card. The text reads
Dear Ryan,
Seasons greetings from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! We know that this is a very busy time for you as you complete your challenging senior year. We hope that you will take time during the holiday season to take a deep breath . . . . and relax.
We hope that you enjoy these winter scenes from Carolina, and we wish you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.
The email came with two pictures of Carolina in the snow. I've tried, but I can't load them onto the page right now, I'll put em up later.
I don't know why this thing struck me as so strange, but I'm pretty sure that it's a bad sign of my mental condition. I've begun to look at colleges and such as my adversaries; they are opponents who I must outwit and conquer. Maybe that's why it felt so strange getting what amounts to a Christmas card from them. I don't's just kinda nice. If only it had been Wake or Davidson....


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