Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Yeah, What He Said

I've had a good bit of down time since school let out, which means I've had time to let my mind wander. This is a dangerous thing; when my mind wanders I end up with convictions and sweeping statements that later get me in trouble.
Yesterday, after some lasagna and fellowship en la Casa de Wilson, I paid a surprise visit to Aho to check on the hocky game (the Canes lost). The conversation turned to Aho's friend Gmoney, whose blog I have neglected recently. I just finished reading one of his newer sermons, and I think Gmoney has done a better job at putting into words parts of a notion I've been tossing around a lot lately. Should you have the time and feel so inclined, read this sermon and let me know what you think.

Monday, May 29, 2006


I had a dream last night (well, this morning (well, actually, this afternoon)) that it was once again the last day of high school, only for some reason I was in middle school and Mrs. Lowry was my substitute computer app teacher and I kept having to kill time waiting to get out. It was weird, rather unpleasant, really, and for the first couple of minutes after I woke up I wasn't sure whether or not the dream had been real.
Only a dream, to be sure, but last night's (this afternoon's) misadventure kinda represents my mental state right now. I'm in limbo in a lot of ways, and it's starting to get to me. Mount Airy City Schools has done an excellent job by putting a week in between the last day of school and graduation. Though I got out of school last wednesday, I don't graduate for another five days. It's weird, and I keep having social events (tennis, service of celebration) that bring up the "we're not in high school anymore" while still being very much in high school.
It's kind of annoyind, kind of scary, and an awful lot like getting into a cold swimming pool slowly. Sure, it seems safer to dip your toe in and wade slowly, but the whole process is a lot less painful if you'll just dive in and get it over with.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Well, you should probably inhale first.
Now breathe out; don't you feel better? I certainly do. Sometimes it's nice to just stop and get caught up with your oxygen intake.
It's been a doozy of a week for me, with four AP tests and the conference tournament all coming in a five day period. Now I'm looking forward to long naps and no studying. I don't know what kind of week all of you had (I know Mom and Dad had tough ones) but I would suggest that if you're as stressed as I am you should just take a long moment and exhale. Feels good, doesn't it?
Still not relaxed? Well, just remember that it could be worse; you could be Mrs. Hutchinson. Ole Hutch is in charge of all the AP tests at our school, and after several years of flawless execution the wheels came off this week. She encountered unannounced construction, screaming kids, late buses, having the wrong tests on the wrong day, and locking all the exams along with her keys in the trunk of her car, to name a few of the hardships this week. Mrs. Hutchinson, if you're reading this, I think you should take a moment and exhale.
Now doesn't that feel better?