Monday, May 29, 2006


I had a dream last night (well, this morning (well, actually, this afternoon)) that it was once again the last day of high school, only for some reason I was in middle school and Mrs. Lowry was my substitute computer app teacher and I kept having to kill time waiting to get out. It was weird, rather unpleasant, really, and for the first couple of minutes after I woke up I wasn't sure whether or not the dream had been real.
Only a dream, to be sure, but last night's (this afternoon's) misadventure kinda represents my mental state right now. I'm in limbo in a lot of ways, and it's starting to get to me. Mount Airy City Schools has done an excellent job by putting a week in between the last day of school and graduation. Though I got out of school last wednesday, I don't graduate for another five days. It's weird, and I keep having social events (tennis, service of celebration) that bring up the "we're not in high school anymore" while still being very much in high school.
It's kind of annoyind, kind of scary, and an awful lot like getting into a cold swimming pool slowly. Sure, it seems safer to dip your toe in and wade slowly, but the whole process is a lot less painful if you'll just dive in and get it over with.


Blogger Unknown said...

This seems like the opportune moment for some deep and meaningful poetry...unfortunately I don't speak poetry.

I know the feeling. It's so wierd being both out of school and still in school---all at the same time.

The only solution---ping pong. And I really want to see Mrs. Layno play ping pong. She was giving me some tips on how to put back spin on the ball...something tells me she is a master of the ancient art.

2:13 PM  

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