Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Apparantly I'm It

So I'm walking through the sanctuary last Sunday, minding my own business when suddenly I'm whacked in the chest by a runaway Bible. "You're being tagged," I was told by the author of chrisaho.blogspot.com. What I wasn't told is what being tagged means.
As best I can figure, tagging involves sharing personal information about yourself so the entire world can cease its endless debate over what your favorite movie is. I wouldn't want to turn down the oppurtunity to talk about my favorite subject: me. So here goes...
Four jobs I've had:
1) Chief Pertroleum Distribution Engineer for the Busy Bee gas station
2) Algebra II tutor
3) Dead-flower remover at Oakdale Cemetary (thanks to Michaelf Kerley for the assist on that one)
4) Being awesome (a position I've held for roughly 18 years now)

Four movies I'd watch on repeat:
1) A Few Good Men (even if the ending is almost unbearably inconclusive)
2) Raising Arizona-that opening sequence never gets old
3) The Matrix (the first one, naming all three is cheating, aho)
4) The West Wing Complete First Season DVD

Four TV shows I love:
1) The Daily Show
2) PTI
3) Good Eats
4) Modern Marvels

Four Vacation Locales I need to go:
1) Orlando during Spring Training (actually get to go there this spring)
2) Ireland
3) New Zealand
4) Fiji (as far away as you can go before you start coming back)

Four websites I visit daily:
1) Hotmail
2) actually, that's about it
3) don't surf as much as you might think
4) except, of course, this fine site

Four foods after which I lust:
1) Breakfast casserole
2) Cookie bars (Mother makes them once a year, except for this year, because she hates me)
3) Pasta Carrabba at Carrabba's
4) Filet Mignon from the Mount Airy Meat Center

Four changes I'd make to the house:
1) Hot tub, baby!
2) Escalators
3) Move the shower in my parents' bathroom upstairs
4) The bathrooms in the Dean Dome have these amazing urinals that run the length of the walls. They're like troughs, but for peeing in. My house of the future will include similar troughs spanning various walls, not neccesarily in the bathroom, because they facilitate keeping an eye on whatever's on TV. Plus they're just plain cool.

Four beers I like:
I've never had any alcohol (except for cough medicine) so I can't respond to this intelligently. If beer tastes like it smells I fear I shall never have a favorite. However, I do enjoy these fine beverages...
1) Roibos (a brand of hot tea from South Africa)
2) Mountain Dew-without which my mother and I could not function
3) Hi-C, Boppin' Berry flavor- a beverage I've enjoyed no more than five times in my life. But it's good man, it's good.
4) Water drawn from the faucet in my laundry room-the choicest I've ever sampled. You may try to fool me with water from the kitchen but I will not be deceived.

Four tags:
Sadly, I have no one to tag (except for aho, but that would be silly). So instead I challenge you, the loyal reader, to go out there and tag four people for me. I've seen your legions of MySpace pages, find someone out there.

Alrighty, that's about it. More in a day or two.


Blogger Unknown said...

Nice job of being it. I hope that our dear friend aho was tagging you and not tagging me and my one comment. I fear that if ole' aho was indeed tagging me, then I must cheat! I will not be tagged by the likes of a hoe, or aho, or any such nonsense. Let this serve as a warning to others ahos out there waiting to tag me.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Aho said...

"3) The Matrix (the first one, naming all three is cheating, aho)"

'if you're not cheating, you're not trying'
-jim rome

When I am tagged, I figured I can make the rules.

Nice work with the cough syrup question.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Ryan.

So uh... when are we meeting up in wherever the midpoint of our houses are? I miss you.

Btw... where's my letter that you were going to write me separately? Oh yea, 'and' my cd. Well, I was just kidding, you don't have to mail me that stuff. How about an email? Hehe.

Anyways, hope you're doing well. How was the end of the swimming season? Also, before I forget: you're going to Orlando during the Spring? So am I... when are you going?

I miss you tons. Take care!!

7:27 PM  

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