Oh, it's on now.
Or rather, it will be on tommorow.
It, in this case, is a swim meet between Mount Airy, East Surry, and the formerly dreaded Elkin. It's tommorow at six o'clock at the Armfield Center in Pilot Mountain. You, of course, will be there, right?
Alright, I'm the first to admit that swimming lacks the nuances of the more mainstream sports, but it's still sort of exciting and I'm guessing most of you don't pick up on most nuances anyway. So come on people, come support us! I'll give you three good reasons to come see this meet:
1) High-quality competition
These three teams should be the three best in the conference this year, and that means the swimmers will all be going really really fast. Now I remember watching a swim meet once and thinking to myself that the people really didn't look like they were going very fast at all. Well, as it turns out, it's harder to swim than it is to run, so trust me; though it may not
look like things are moving very quickly, they are. Anyway, this meet determines the pecking order in the conference this year, and as all three teams are located within twenty minutes of Pilot, there should be quite a cheering section. You don't want to be left out, do you?
2) Very tight bathing suits
On the swimmers, that is (nobody wants to see some of the spectators in spandex). Now I am the first to admit that the tight male bathing suit is an abomination that should be removed from the face of the earth, and the female form isn't particularly flattered by speedos either, but people look really funny in these suckers. Not quite as funny as the singlets wrestlers don, but still, pretty funny. Come to the meet to laugh, stay to cheer; I don't care, just come.
3) It's the safest you'll ever be around water
You probably haven't thought about this, but it's true. There is no other situation that I know of where, should you fall into a large body of water, you have no fewer than sixty people both willing and capable of rescuing you. So go ahead and eat fifteen minutes or less before you come; if you cramp up, we've got you covered.
Of course, there are more than three reasons to come see the meet tommorow, those are just the first that came to my mind. I don't care why you come tommorow; I just care that you come. I'll give you a cookie if you do.