Thursday, August 17, 2006


You may have noticed a new title for this blog. I always feel out of place in large groups of people, especially when I don't know most/all of them, and so I thought I might call this "Stranger in a Strange Land." But then I remembered that I've been on/around this campus pretty much my whole life, so I thought the present moniker more appropriate.
I'm now four days into my college adventure and the first pangs of homesickness have finally set in. I knew they were coming and I'm proud to say they're by no means severe, but still, it's not my best moment. I've just gotten off the phone with Crystal, and as always, she helped me with my problems. I don't deserve her.
Preschool, despite the condescension implied by its name, was enjoyable and I certainly give it my reccomendation. Already I'm eyeing a spot in Chi Rho, a male a cappella group who performed for us. Odds are not good I'll make it, but I think I'm going to try. All in all, I'm glad I went to Preschol. I don't know whether or not I'd like to go back next year as a leader, but I haven't ruled it out.
My room is now set up and I have a computer of my very own. I even have a fancy schmancy carrying case, courtesy of my dear father. It is far too early to make any accurate predictions about whether or not we'll get along and live well together, but early indications are promising. Rob seems calm, easy to get along with, and best of all, he's already spent a good deal of time outside of the room doing who knows what. This means lots of time watching whatever I want on television; I'll be just fine.

Since I wrote that last paragraph three friends (well, two friends and a roomate) have come and gone and a fine game of nerts has been played. Hope springs eternal, and for now I'm feeling...ok. For my first real departure from home, ok is as good as I could hope for.


Blogger Unknown said...

Your post is inspirational. OK sounds pretty good to me as well. that's what I'm hoping for at least. It seems like most of our senior class has left for college or is leaving very soon. Although I am one of the last to leave, I think I've finally realized that I'm going to Idaho

I mean, I don't think I even know where that is. Isn't Idaho Canada's red-headed step-cousin or something?

Anyway, I leave this thursday. That's cool to hear that you and Crystal are doing well. It's good to have people like her around. And also that's cool to hear that your room mate is cool as well.

Keep in touch man. Hopefully I'll see around MA during the holidays (specifically Christmas...I doubt I can fly home for smaller holidays). Good luck and catch ya later.

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You never told me you were homesick. I'm sorry. I suppose I should have asked. It's funny that I'm starting to get homesick now, after 3 or so weeks of being here, but I am. You're right. Things are pretty darn ok here. Though we're all going to need our space occasionally and have times where we question whether we're happy, it's good to know we're in this together...for the next four years:)

9:55 PM  

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