Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm watching the Colbert Report, and while it's still too early to decide whether or not the show's gonna be worthwhile, I am interested in the first segment. Colbert introduced a new word, "truthiness" and this got me to thinking about inventing words. At GSE this year my Area II class invented the word "joby" and began using it in everyday speech. We weren't faithful enough in using it to get it going throughout, so I'm passing the responsibility on to you good folks. We generally used joby as a synonym for good or cool, as in "Killing that homeless person was so not joby, dude." I reccomend this usage, but don't limit yourselves. Go crazy people, this is your word! You could make it an adverb, "We skipped through the meadow jobily, stopping only to pee our names in the fresh dew." Perhaps it would be best used as a verb; feel free to jobify anything at all, just be sure to pronounce it correctly. It's "joe-bee", and if I hear any of you ignorant fools talking about how "job-y" your day was I am going to freaking kill you. It's only proper to honor the memory of joby, as Catherine (whatever her last name was) would've wanted when she invented the word. The ball is in your court, America: let's jobify this whole country.


Blogger Aho said...

welcome to the world of blogging. its a totally joby thing to do, but the fact to often-times people dont read or dont comment is not really joby at all.
I look forward to many great posts from you as you align with bloggers from across the globe to joby the world one megabite at a time.

9:11 PM  

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